How to prepare manuscripts, including tables and figures
Tips for writing a research paper – IMRaD
By Edanz Group
Guidelines for Writing a Scientific Paper
By Mind the Graph
How to Write a Research Paper
By using small, simple exercises and feedback, this book by Simon Kendal aims to develop the practical and analytical skills needed to write a good research paper or a research chapter in a dissertation – assignments that many undergraduate and M.Sc. students at University face.
Writing a research paper: Part 1
Tips for writing a research manuscript wholly and efficiently. Edanz Group 2017.
Innovating the Authors Experience: Overcoming Challenges on the Path to Publication Success
Raye W, Hindle A, Shaw B. Edanz Group 2017
A website for students about how to manage sources, references, and publishing of the thesis.
Capitalize My Title
Automatically capitalizing of article titles, etc.
Tables and Figures
Display Items – Figures and Tables
By Edanz Group
Producing Good Figures
By Edanz Group
Figures: Permissions and Acceptable Reuse
By Edanz Group
Writing Acknowledgments
By Edanz Group