Norwegian Government Scholar
Oslo, Norway
Olav Albert Christophersen (1940-2023) was a Norwegian government scholar. He received a cand. mag. degree (Master of Arts) from the University of Oslo and worked as a nutrition scientist, epidemiologist, geochemist/cosmochemist, paleoceanographer, and evolutionary scientist. Christophersen was a board member of the first board of the Council for Nutritional and Environmental Medicine.
Bjørklund G, Christophersen OA, Chirumbolo S, Selinus O, Aaseth J. Recent aspects of uranium toxicology in medical geology. Environ Res 2017; 156: 526-533. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2017.04.010.
Christophersen OA. Why is there so much DHA in the brain, retina and testis? Possible implications for human reproduction and the survival of our species. In: De Meester F, Watson RR, Zibadi S, eds. Omega-6/3 Fatty Acids: Functions, Sustainability Strategies and Perspectives. New York: Springer; 2013, pp. 209-44.
Christophersen OA. Det medfødte immunapparat: anatomisk mer omfattende og fylogenetisk eldre enn vi har vært klar over? [The innate immune system: anatomically more comprehensive and phylogenetically older than we have been aware of?] [Article in Norwegian]. Naturen (Bergen). 2012;136(6): 281-94.
Christophersen OA. Should autism be considered a canary bird telling that Homo sapiens may be on its way to extinction? Microb Ecol Health Dis 2012; 23: 19008.
Christophersen OA, Lyons G, Haug A, Steinnes E. Selenium. In: Alloway BJ, ed. Heavy Metals in Soils: Trace Metals and Metalloids in Soils and their Bioavailability. 3rd Ed. Dordrecht: Springer; 2012, pp. 429-63. ISBN 978-94-007-4469-1.
Christophersen OA. Pandemier & kriselager. [Pandemics and emergency preparedness food stores] [Article in Norwegian]. Troens Gode Strid. 2012 Nr. 2 (June):40-3.
Christophersen OA. Radiation protection following nuclear power accidents: a survey of putative mechanisms involved in the radioprotective actions of taurine during and after radiation exposure. Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2012;23:14787- DOI: 10.3402/mehd.v23i0.14787
Christophersen OA. Alunskiferhavet – en oseanografisk og geokjemisk merkverdighet. [The alum shale sea – strange both from an oceanographical and geochemical point of view] [Article in Norwegian]. Naturen (Bergen). 2012;136(1): 2-13.
Christophersen OA. Peroxynitrite, selenoproteins, toxic heavy metals and the etiopathogenesis of coronary heart disease. In: Lewis BS, Flugelman MY, Halon DA (Eds.). Coronary Artery Disease: 2011 Update. Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Coronary Artery Disease. Venice (Italy), October 23-26, 2011. Medimond International Proceedings. Bologna 2011, pp. 69-73. ISBN 978-88-7587-619-7.
Haug A, Christophersen OA, Sogn T. Chicken meat rich in selenium and omega-3 fatty acids. The Open Agriculture Journal. 2011; 5:30-6.
Christophersen OA. Gammelt nytt om månens opprinnelse. [Old news about the origin of the Moon] [Article in Norwegian]. Astronomi 2011; 41(2):30-5.
Christophersen OA, Haug A. Animal products, diseases and drugs: a plea for better integration between agricultural sciences, human nutrition and human pharmacology. Lipids Health Dis. 2011, 10:16.
Christophersen OA, Haug A, Steinnes E. Deforestation, mineral nutrient depletion in the soil and HIV disease. Science without borders. Transactions of the InternationalAcademyof Science H&E. Special Edition International Conference Oslo 2009. Innsbruck, SWB, 2010, pp. 26-34.
Haug A, Christophersen OA, Kinabo J, Kaunda W, Eik LO. Use of dried kapenta and other products based on whole fish for complementing maize-based diets. AJFAND (Afr J Food Agric Nutr Dev) 2010; 10: 2478-2500.
Haug A, Olesen I, Christophersen OA. Individual variation and intraclass correlation in arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid in chicken muscle. Lipids Health Dis. 2010 Apr 15;9:37.
Christophersen KB, Christophersen OA. Our birthday wishes for a very special man. I: Festskrift til Valerij Berkov i anledning dennes 80-årsdag [riktig boktitel skrevet med russiske bokstaver og ikke gjengitt her], utgitt i St. Petersburg 2009, pp. 46-7.
Christophersen OA. What does it mean that Valerij Berkov is a Norwegian state stipendiate? I: Festskrift til Valerij Berkov i anledning dennes 80-årsdag [riktig boktitel skrevet med russiske bokstaver og ikke gjengitt her], utgitt i St. Petersburg 2009, pp. 89-93.
Haug A, Rødbotten R, Mydland LT, Christophersen OA. Increased broiler muscle carnosine and anserine following histidine supplementation of commercial broiler feed concentrate. Ann Agriculturae Scand Section A. 2008; 58: 71-7.
Haug A, Christophersen OA. Private matlagre som katastrofeberedskap. [Individual food stocks as disaster planning] [Article in Norwegian]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2008; 128: 843-4. Available online free access at the web page of the journal.
Haug A, Christophersen OA. Gi barna helmelk! [Give whole milk to children!]. [Article in Norwegian], Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2008;128:71.
Moxnes JF, Christophersen OA. The Spanish flu as a worst case scenario? Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2008; 20: 1-26.
Christophersen OA, Haug A. More about hypervirulent avian influenza: Is the world now better prepared? Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2007; 19: 78-121.
Haug A, Brand-Miller JC, Christophersen OA, McArthur J, Fayet F, Truswell S. A food “lifeboat”: food and nutrition considerations in the event of a pandemic or other catastrophe. Med J Aust. 2007; 187: 674-6.
Haug A, Eich-Greatorex S, Bernhoft A, Wold JP, Hetland H, Christophersen OA, Sogn T. Effect of dietary selenium and omega-3 fatty acids on muscle composition and quality in broilers. Lipids Health Dis. 2007; 6: 29.
Haug A, Christophersen OA, Høstmark AT, Harstad OM. Melk og helse. [Milk and health] [Article in Norwegian] Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2007; 127: 2542-5.
Haug A, Graham RD, Christophersen OA, Lyons GH. How to use the world’s scarce selenium resources efficiently to increase the selenium concentration in food. Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2007; 19: 209-28.
Christophersen OA, Haug A. Why is the world so poorly prepared for a pandemic of hypervirulent influenza? Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2006; 18: 113-32.
Moxnes JF, Christophersen OA. Counter-attacking pandemic H5N1 bird influenza by counter-pandemic. Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2006; 18: 4-25.
Christophersen OA, Haug A. Prostaglandinsyntese, redoksregulering og smerte. [Prostaglandin synthesis, redox regulation and pain] [Article in Norwegian] Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2005; 125: 3149.
Christophersen OA, Haug A. Om sukker, melkesyre og smerte. [About sugar, lactic acid and pain] [Article in Norwegian] Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2005; 125: 2811.
Christophersen OA, Haug A. Kosthold og smerte. [Diet and pain] [Article in Norwegian] Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 2005; 125: 1219.
Christophersen, O.A., Haug, A. Possible roles of oxidative stress, local circulatory failure and nutrition factors in the pathogenesis of hypervirulent influenza: implications for therapy and global emergency preparedness. Microb Ecol Health Dis. 2005;17:189-99.
Christophersen OA. Radiation biochemistry. In: Brune D, Hellborg R, Persson BRR, Pääkkönen R (Eds.). Radiation at Home, Outdoors and in the Workplace. Scandinavian Science Publishers. Oslo 2001, pp. 52-61. ISBN 82-91833-02-8.
Christophersen OA, Pääkkönen R. Electromagnetic sensitivity. In: Brune D, Hellborg R, Persson BRR, Pääkkönen R (Eds.). Radiation at Home, Outdoors and in the Workplace. Scandinavian Science Publishers. Oslo 2001, pp. 306-8. ISBN 82-91833-02-8.
Christophersen OA. Når ble Jesus født? [When was Jesus born?] [Lecture in Norwegian radio, NRK P2, later published by NRK as article in a book]. (21. desember 1996). P2-Akademiet. Vol. XI (K). Norsk Rikskringkasting. Oslo 1998, pp. 32-49. ISBN 82-7118-256-0.
Christophersen OA. Fett og helse – tid for en revurdering? [Fat and health – time for a reevaluation?] [Article in Norwegian]. NBS Nytt. 1997; (4): 36-40.
Christophersen OA. Some aspects of the biogeochemical behavior of manganese as compared to other elements. In: Låg J (Ed.). Geomedical problems related to aluminium, iron and manganese. Oslo: Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi; 1994, p. 85-99. ISBN 82-90888-12-0.
Christophersen OA. A probable case of severe ubiquinone depletion one and a half year following ethoxyquin poisoning. Eight International Symposium on The Biomedical and Clinical Aspects of Coenzyme Q. November 11, 12 and 13, 1993,Stockholm,Sweden. Programs and Abstracts. Abstract for poster.
Christophersen OA. Lupinfrø i human ernæring. [Lupin seeds in human nutrition] [Article in Norwegian]. I: Hansen JA, Kvistgaard M, Madsen HB, Nielsen AH, Rexen F, von Wettstein D, Bro S (redaktører): Nye plantekulturer og dyrkningsformer i dansk jordbrug. Kulturteknik, afgrøder, produkter, bioteknologi, produktudvikling og afsætning af et miljøvenligt og økonomisk dansk jordbrug. Taastrup: Akademiet for De Tekniske Videnskaber; 1988, pp. 227-56. ISBN 87-88699-23-4.
Christophersen OA. Selenocystein: den 21. aminosyren med eget kodon. [Selenocysteine – the 21. amino acid with its own codon] [Article in Norwegian]. Materialisten. 1987; 15 (3/4): 67-89.
Christophersen OA. On superoxide dismutase and free radicals. In: Marcuse R (Ed.): Lipid Oxidation. Biological and Food Chemical Aspects. Contributions at a LIPIDFORUM/SIK symposium Göteborg April 22-23, 1985. Proceedings. SIK – The Swedish Food Institute. Göteborg 1986, pp. 35-53. OCLC number: 35465206.
Christophersen, O.A. Sporelementer i norsk kosthold og deres helsemessige betydning. Utredning. [Trace elements in the Norwegian diet and their importance for health] [Book in Norwegian language written for the Norwegian National Nutrition Council],Oslo: Statens Ernæringsråd [Norwegian National Nutrition Council] 1983. 121 sider.
Christophersen OA. Fiskemel: ernæringsmessige og ressursøkonomiske aspekter. [Fish meal: nutritional and economical aspects] [Article in Norwegian]. Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen. 1981; 101: 555-8.
Øye I, Christophersen OA. Cyclic nucleotides: General background: Is oxidative activation of guanylate cyclase involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis? In: Lövgren O (Ed.): New Aspects of Rheumatoid Inflammation. An international workshop held inStockholm, August 31-September 1, 1978.Stockholm: SYNTEX; 1980, pp. 327-47. ISBN 91-85630-03-9.
Christophersen OA. Hvorfor godta evolusjonsteorien? [Why accept the theory of evolution? [Article in Norwegian].] [Article in Norwegian]. Credo. 1978 Nr. 2, 8-9,19.
Christophersen OA. Fiskeproteinkonsentrat – et næringsmiddel for fremtiden? [Fish protein concentrate – a food for the future?] [Article in Norwegian]. Inter Medicos. 1977; 23: 53-67.
Christophersen OA. Et streiftog i dyreverdenen for 600 mill. år siden. Om den kambriske fossilfaunaens opprinnelse. [The origin of the Cambrian fossil fauna] [Article in Norwegian]. Forskningsnytt. 1975; 20 (4): 45-8.
Christophersen OA. Om forholdet mellom pattedyr og dinosaurer. [About the relationship between mammals and dinosaurs] [Article in Norwegian]. Naturen. 1975; 99:19-25.
Christophersen OA. Var forandringer i ozonlaget årsaken til at dinosaurene forsvant? [Were changes in the ozone layer the reason why the dinosaurs disappeared?] [Article in Norwegian]. Naturen. 1975; 99: 67-73.
Christophersen OA. Om nyre-organenes paleobiologiske betydning. [About the palobiological significance of kidney organs] [Article in Norwegian]. Naturen. 1975; 99: 133-43.
Christophersen OA, Helsing E, Aall C. Verdens ernæringssituasjon og internasjonal matvarehjelp. [The nutrition situation in the world and international food aid] [Article in Norwegian]. Inter Medicos. 1974; 17 (1), 3-37.
Christophersen OA. Om dinosaurenes hjerne – og vår. [About the dinosaur brain – and ours] [Article in Norwegian]. Naturen. 1974; 98: 169-73.
Christophersen OA. Hvordan atmosfærens oksygeninnhold kontrolleres. [How is the oxygen content of the atmosphere controlled?] [Article in Norwegian]. Naturen. 1972; 96: 406-23.