Vera Stejskal, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of Immunology at University of Stockholm, Sweden. She is founder and preident of the MELISA® MEDICA Foundation, which is dedicated to the science of metal allergy and its diagnosis when treating chronic diseases such as chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalopathy (CFS /ME), multiple sclerosis (MS) or other autoimmune and allergic diseases. She is also a CONEM member.
The MELISA® test, invented by Dr. Stejskal, is the only scientifically-proven blood test which diagnoses metal allergy to multiple metals. Further test applications include the diagnosis of Lyme disease. In this lecture, Vera Stejskal talks about MELISA® testing to diagnose and treat metal-induced diseases and conditions. The lecture was held in September 2008 at IAOMT Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina.